Palo Santo es un árbol místico que crece en la costa de América del Sur. En español, el nombre significa “Holy Wood”. La madera al quemarse desprende un aroma celestial.
Palo Santo se ha utilizado en ceremonias y rituales desde la época de la civilización Inca. Chamanes y Medicina personas han utilizado la madera durante cientos de años para protegerse de la energía mala (mala energía), y para crear medicamentos que mejoran el estado de ánimo y ayudan a aliviar los problemas de salud relacionados con los estados de ánimo, como las del estómago, el corazón, y del sistema respiratorio. Puede ser a fuego lento en agua caliente y se bebe como té curativo, especialmente para los resfriados y calmar el sistema nervioso. Contiene altos niveles de D-limoneno, que es un poderoso antioxidante.
Una de las mejores cosas de este Palo Santo es que es 100% sostenible y natural. Es ilegal talar los árboles o cosechar las ramas. El producto es hecho a mano salvaje y ambientalmente sustentable. Esto asegura un producto de alta calidad de cuidados con amor y respeto por la Madre Naturaleza.
Utilice la madera para elevar su sentido, elevar su vibración, y aprovechar la Fuente de la sabiduría antigua antes de una meditación o una sesión creativa. Palo Santo también hace un gran compañero de viaje, el humo con olor fresco con toques de menta y cítricos puede ayudar a mantener a los mosquitos y otros insectos voladores. Es bueno para antes de una SESIÓN DE REIKI.. TAMBIEN LIMPIAR AURA.
Utilice una vela, fósforo o encendedor para encender su palo de Palo Santo. Mantenga en un ángulo de 45 grados apuntando la punta hacia abajo, hacia la llama. Deje que se queme durante unos 30 segundos a 1 minuto y luego soplar. Mover acerca de su espacio de trabajo, casa, coche, cuarto de baño o en cualquier lugar que le gustaría limpiar la energía. El olor rico también traerá la paz y la claridad hasta el momento junto con buenos sentimientos. Cuando haya terminado, colocar el palo en un tazón a prueba de fuego de metal, vidrio o arcilla. El resplandor terminará por sí, si soplas la brasa que mantendrá el humo va. Siempre tenga cuidado y respeto cuando se trabaja con fuego.
Palo Santo is a
tree that grows on the coast of South America. In Spanish, the name means “Holy Wood”. The wood when burned gives off a heavenly scent.
Palo Santo has been used in ceremony and ritual since the time of the Inca civilisation. Shamans and Medicine people have used the wood for hundreds of years to ward off mala energy (bad energy), and to create medicines to improve mood and to help alleviate health problems related to moods, such as those of the stomach, the heart, and of the respiratory system. It can be simmered in hot water and drunk as a healing tea, especially for colds and calming the nervous system. It contains very high levels of D-Limonene which is a powerful anti-oxidant.
One of the best things about this Palo Santo is that it is 100% sustainable and natural. It is illegal to cut the trees down or harvest the branches. The product is wild crafted and sustainably harvested. This insures a high quality product cared for with Love and Respect for Mother Nature.
Use the wood to elevate your sense, raise your vibration, and tap into the Source of ancient wisdom before a meditation or a creative session. Palo Santo also makes for a great travel companion, the fresh smelling smoke with hints of mint and citrus can help to keep away mosquitoes and other flying insects.
Use a candle, match or lighter to ignite your stick of Palo Santo. Hold at about a 45 degree angle pointing the tip down toward the flame. Allow it to burn for about 30 secs to 1 minute and then blow out. Move about your workspace, home, car, bathroom or anywhere you would like to clear the energy. The rich smell will also bring peace and clarity to the moment along with good feelings . When finished, place the stick in a fire proof bowl of metal, glass or clay. The glow will end on its own unless you blow on the ember which will keep the smoke going. Always use caution and respect when working with fire
Spiritual Benefits
Palo Santo is burned in ceremonies by Shamans for its energetically cleansing and healing properties similar to Sage. It creates a pleasant, fresh smelling smoke with hints of mint and citrus that work well in keeping away mosquitoes and other flying insects. Its uplifting scent raises your vibration in preparation for meditation and allows for a deeper spiritual connection. It is also said that Palo Santo enhances creativity and brings good fortune. I keep a bowl in my living room. Even unlit, its beautiful aroma fills the space.
Healing Benefits
Palo Santo is traditionally used for relieving common cold and flu symptoms, asthma, allergies, migraines and headaches, stress, anxiety, depression, inflammation, sea sickness, arthritis and more. In aromatherapy, Palo Santo essential oil is considered to be antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It is said to have excellent absorption properties and can be used in massage therapy to relieve pain and inflammation of the muscles and joints, regenerate skin conditions, and promote skin nutrition. It also contains high levels of D-Limonene and Monotropenes, which scientific researchers are studying for their anti-cancerous effects and chemotherapeutic properties.
Sustainable & Non-Toxic
Palo Santo is wildcrafted and ethically harvested with sustainable practices, coming solely from naturally fallen trees. The essential oil can also only be extracted from dead trees and fallen branches using “Vapor Distillation” without the use of dangerous chemicals or solvents. It’s also a wonderful non-toxic alternative to insect repellants.
Burning Instructions
Use a candle, match or lighter to ignite your stick of Palo Santo. Hold at about a 45 degree angle pointing the tip down toward the flame. Allow it to burn for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and then blow out. Move about your workspace, home, car, bathroom or anywhere you would like to clear the energy. It’s good to travel with and I keep some in my doula bag for attending births. When finished, place the stick in a fire proof bowl of metal, glass or clay. The one pictured above is a vintage Edith Heath ceramic ashtray. The glow will end on its own unless you blow on the ember which will keep the smoke going. Unlike conventional incense which burns completely after lighting, Palo Santo may be relit many times.