La palabra “mandala” es de la lengua india clásica de sánscrito. Traducido libremente significa “círculo”, un mandala es mucho más que una forma simple.
En nuestro tiempo la conciencia de la mandala puede estimular el pensamiento creativo, la concentración y nos centro hasta el punto en el que es tranquilo y silencioso. Los mandalas se pueden también utilizar para atraer la prosperidad y la abundancia de un negocio, promover la buena salud, para proteger a formar las energías negativas que rodean.
mandalas en la arquitectura
Desde stupas budistas a las mezquitas musulmanas y catedrales cristianas, el principio de una estructura construida alrededor de un centro es un tema común en la arquitectura.
Native American teepees are conical shapes built around a pole that represents the “axis mundi” or world axis.
Buckminster Fuller expanded on the dome design with his famous geodesic dome structures. The dome structure has the highest ratio of enclosed area to external surface area, and all structural members contribute equally to the whole–a great structural representation of a mandala!
Mandalas help us to handle all those situations that sometimes are beyond our control.
They helps us to be aware of the processes that take place within our physical, mental, emotionsl and spiritual bodies. These four aspects conform the totality of our being, and each one of them, involves the other, as a unity, in which if one is not in harmony, causes unstability of the others.
There are papyrus paintings where mandalas appear to be used inside the houses for a better concentration of energy; creating an atmosphere of harmony and balance: or for transmutation of negative into positive energy.
Vestiges have also been found of mandala use within old Druid civilizations in Spain; as well as in ancient China, there are many forms of Mandalas that were used, and in fact are currently being used in Tibet, where, every year, the Dalai Lama prepares a specific Mandala made with colors, stones and sand, believing this allows him to access higher dimensions which reveal to him possible happenings to occur in the world, and by this meditation he is able to determine the more apropriate way in which to rule his fellowmen during his lifetime.