AnaHealings Dra. Naturopath   Medicina Integrative certified  by ‘Fundación Europea – Femalt
Pharmacist certified  : experience in Paguera: Mallorca.
Psychotherapy Biodecoding® Neuro-Emotional Reprogramming Pnl
Healing hands ( Barbara Ann Brennan school)  & counceling

Prognosis; Pronóstico naturopático medicina integrativa ,  diferentes técnicas y sanaciones como Aromaterapia , fitoterapia, dietética y nutrición, limpieza energética ,  tapping , psicoterapia , biodescodificacion, bioneuroemocion,PNL  reprogramación,sanación a través de la naturaleza .. Volver a tu esencia, escuchar tu corazón , Gratitud, Perdón, Fijación de Objetivos, Reflexión, Visualización, Visión, Diario, Encontrar la Claridad, Mirar en el Interior, Comprenderte Mejor, Formar Hábitos,  Ser tu Mejor yo ,afirmaciones ,decretos, poesía,  canalizaciones  libros ,°tarot ,canalización , Limpieza aura ♡ alma… Finalmente combinado todo de una manera simple pero profunda¡!!!!



♡Nature is perfection. Every part of it. From the curves of it’s rocks, to the sounds of the echo it dives of. The leaves in the wind and the breeze of the ocean. The structure of the tiny crocks in each road that leads to infinite possibilities. Find peace in the cleansing. sand. Mindfulness with the sun. I choose this as my path or actually feels more than this path choose me since little girl; i see no other way. I do not cure I am onlylike and instrument for..

Building upon her childhood connection with Mother Earth. As a little girl, Ana always had an innate affinity for plants and nature. Her grandmother nurtured this part of her, teaching her how to make natural herbal remedies, and this grounding in plant-based medicine from a young age played a large part in determining Ana’s path into naturopathy as an adult. As a child, it was also clear that Ana possessed unique abilities as a channel and spirit guide, and this combination of gifts parlayed her into a career as a healer. Ana’s greatest joy is helping others experience growth and happiness through the aid of natural therapies. Ana worked as a pharmacist in Paguera,MALLORCA  while studying to gain her qualification as a certified naturopath. Ana understands and appreciates the body’s tremendous ability to heal. Physical illness and disease is merely a manifestation of internal imbalances and conflicts that have created blockages in the body.

I will tell you a secret: we do not choose the islands. Them choosing us depends of our vibrations and mission here. If the islands let you stay, it is because they want to do a shift through you.

I believe in myself, asked for continual Jesus, Universe, nature guidance, took persistent action, ignored a lot of opinions, trusted my instincts, refused to give up… and kept going. I don’t do things like most people. (Which makes sense as most people are unaware of how their beliefs, religion, conditioning, self-perception and how even sick they are because past experience effects their reality. Here is my secret: I focus on my belief + desire + feeling + frequency first. From there, the right plans, strategies and action steps can (and do) become obvious. And these actions are then far, far more effective as I have my mind + will + vibration+ desire backing me up. I trust my gut, follow my heart and take it one step at a time. That’s how I got here. And that’s how I am COUNSELING others to get what they wish when healing an emotional disfunction that becomes a pathology, disease.

I have no interest in what is logical, practical, or realistic in this human being. Your soul is not wrong. Your desires are not wrong. God was not wrong when he put these desires inside of you. You were made to get, have, keep, love and enjoy everything you want. Unfortunately, as humans we will sabotage it, avoid it, succumb to the undesired life we feel we were set up for, and talk + think + feel ourselves out of what we want. Typically, we do this when don’t feel worthy of what we we want. Or think getting what we want will harm us or someone else. Or believe getting what we want will come with loss. Or are holding another unhelpful idea around ourselves, our possibilities, our dreams and our desires…and building (or perpetuate) the dynamics of our life around it. Fortunately, the above can be transformed. These actions are then far, far more effective as I have my mind + will + vibration+ desire backing me up. I trust my gut, follow my heart and take it one step at a time. That’s how I got here. And that’s how I am COUNSELING others to get what they wish when healing an emotional disfunction that becomes a pathology, disease.

Evoca tu cuerpo, corazón, mente y alma. Creí en mí misma, siempre siento que estoy guiada , actué con perseverancia, ignoré muchas opiniones, confié en mis instintos, escuche a mis protectores , guias ,ángeles,  me negué a rendirme… y seguí adelante. Seguí mi corazón,  escuche a mi ser.
No hago las cosas como la mayoría de la gente. Lo cual tiene sentido, ya que la mayoría de la gente no es consciente de cómo sus creencias, condicionamientos, autopercepción y experiencias pasadas afectan a su realidad ).Este es mi secreto: primero me centro en mi creencia + deseo + sentimiento + frecuencia.A partir de ahí, los planes, las estrategias y los pasos de acción correctos pueden ser (y son) especialmente sentidos de corazón.Y estas acciones son entonces mucho, mucho más efectivasque tengo mi mente + voluntad + energía + deseo respaldándome.Confío en mi instinto, sigo mi corazón y doy un paso a la vez.Así es como he llegado hasta aquí. Y así es como enseño a otros a llegar a sus objetivos ¡! sea en tratamientos de salud, amor , profesión,  familia, entorno , limpieza de aura , concretación de proyectos …Pronóstico naturopático medicina integrativa , diferentes técnicas y sanaciones como Aromaterapia , fitoterapia, dietética y nutrición, limpieza energética , tapping , psicoterapia , biodescodificacion, bioneuroemocion, reprogramación,sanación a través de la naturaleza .. Volver a tu esencia, escuchar tu corazón , Gratitud, Perdón, Fijación de Objetivos, Reflexión, Visualización, Visión, Diario, Encontrar la Claridad, Mirar en el Interior, Comprenderte Mejor, Formar Hábitos, Ser tu Mejor Yo ,afirmaciones ,decretos, poesía, canalizaciones libros ,°tarot ,canalización , Limpieza aura ♡ alma…

Finalmente combinado todo de una manera simple pero profunda¡!!!!
Different treatments are used to strengthen the immune system, restoring the balance between body-mind soul are the root of many diseases.She knows that we have a tremendous ability to heal and become more optimistic people. Somehow we created the disease, internal conflict in the field of emotions, creates a blockage that is reflected on the ‘physical level, materializing in the form of a disease, then an organic lesion. She offer you the most appropriate treatment for yoursef.

The human organism is a mechanically precise unity, in which thousands of processes are taking place all at once. Fluid balance, concentration of oxygen, production of digestive enzymes, and excretion of toxins, are just a few of thousands of biochemical processes that keep the body balanced.

Balance is an important prerequisite for a healthy and functioning organism.
As human beings, we are biologically armed to manage different impacts. On a daily basis our bodies have to fight many disruptive factors such as; stress, not enough sleep, viruses, bacteria, lack of vitamins and minerals, insufficient eating habits, as well as toxins from our environment and the food we eat.
The primary purpose of naturopathic and bio-medicinal treatment is to liberate and strengthen the body’s own potential to cure itself.
Within naturopathy, the human state of health is viewed as a natural result of life style and environment. We regard illnesses as symptoms of profound imbalances. A signal from the body saying that something is not working properly – something is out of balance. To subdue or paralyze these symptoms is then not the same as treating the illness. This would be similar to knocking out the fuel gauge in the car when it starts blinking and the tank is empty – then expecting to be able to drive on just because the blinking stopped.In order to treat the body naturally, it must be viewed as a unity – a holistic organism.
My mini guide Self Cure – Health Enjoyment will tell you much more about how to maintain balance in your body and regenerate disease.

♡Durante el día te pónes a pensar que eres unmilagro? Que el organismo humano es una unidad mecánicamente precisa, en la que se producen a la vez miles de procesos. El equilibrio de fluidos, la concentración de oxígeno, la producción de enzimas digestivas y la eliminación de toxinas, son sólo algunos de los miles de procesos bioquímicos que mantienen el cuerpo equilibrado. Yo te pregunto: si Sabés que sos pura energía? todo que te rodea lo es!!! La energía es lo que hace que lo vivo este vivo le da orden y belleza a lo inerte . Es mística todos usamos la energía a diario una chispa de deseo hace que tu cuerpo cambie, si

deseas levantar la mano un millón de células se mueven al momento ¿ como saben que quieres algo ? tu deseo enciende el interruptor cósmico , puede crear, puede mover, puede mostrarte algo…con esto quiero decirte ….. El equilibrio es un requisito previo.



Ni tú , ni yo. Pero cuando las hojas de los árboles se mueven , cuando en los campos las hierbas se ondulan es que el viento pasó. La fuerza de la naturaleza es igual incluso la de tu alma es parecida….


♡We need persons with big hearts ,loads of abundance , potential ,and intention to change the financial landscape of this world.

And if you are one of them doing your job with your own essence you are doing a shift for.

♡ El conocimiento reune energía, y por ello el conocimiento es poder.

♡“If you want to live forever, date an artist,date a poet, a writer, a photographer, painter , designer ,date somebody who cares. In that way, you’ll be imprinted in the souls of those who are sensitives their art. To all of you artist souls!!! You ARTISTS souls you don’t get enough recognition, and I just want to tell you how much I appreciate you. Without you, this place would be boring one… Keep creating, keep dreaming, keep believing -Keep shinning cause together we can heal the world. “I think everything in life is art. what you do, how you dress, the way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality, what you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea,how you decorate your home or party. Your grocery list, the food you make,how you dress How your writing looks, and the way you feel. Life is a r t”

♡“Right here and right now you can lay your hands on your heart,
touch the ground and behold the miracle of the senses you have been given. You can speak kindness to another, touch and hold them close,
and fall to the ground in gratitude for the reality of grace in it’s peaceful and wrathful forms. Friend, open yourself and give your heart to this world.”