VIBES ♡ I chose this as my path: or actually it feels more like this path chose me since little girl
♡ This balance for me is all about devotion. I chose this as my path: I am a CERTIFIED NATUROPATH. Medicine. When your body is nourished on all levels, it will reward you in terms of ENERGY, BALANCE AND HAPPINESS. I chose this as my path… or actually it feels more like this path chose me since little, it cant be in other way. Cure souls is a gift, my knowledges as healing makes me so happ. Working with the crystals or plants, has also deeply connected me to Mother Earth and I worship her.

As a Eco-creator I strive to heal with a high level of respect for mother nature and each individuals personality. An in-depth study of a person’s energy is  done with any service that is requested of me; be that a healing necklace, an oil, or perfume….. All materials used are natural and not processed. Each healing modality has its own story; according to how Mother Nature intended it and an ancestral history that will tap into your essence. Shine on!

THE IMPACT ainss Nature is perfection. Every part of it. From the curves of it’s rocks, to the sounds of the echo it dives of. The leaves in the wind and the breeze of the ocean. The structure of the tiny crocks in each road that leads to infinite possibilities. Find peace in the cleansing sand & sea sounds, as you walk across the beach barefoot Mindfulness with the sun. I choose this as my path or actually feels more than this path choose me since little  girl , i see no other way. Cure soul is a gift .When i look to the past i feel so blessed ,full of experiences .I get in love with different cultures, amazing places, lovely people.

My knowledges as a healer make me travel where patients needs me & I feel so grateful every day . I was living with monk, i have some experiences with chamans , another healers etc…

There are many ways you can support ANA HEALINGS   I am sure that some of your friends ,relatives, would like a cosult or  one of my books…. SHARE this campaign with your family and friends on Facebook or Instagram. Also with newspapers, magazines, tv, radio and journalists, and bloggers who write about HEALTH : Body Soul Mind .

PRESS If you have retreat house / . I am open to mutual collaborations  if you are  journalist ,blogger  and are interested in writing about my  project . Let´s connect.

WHAT WILL THE CROWDFUNDING FUNDS COVER? A new amazing interactive WEBSITE, STUDIO. Keep traveling  where most needed patients .Make some remedies for the ones that can no paid…I wish still doing what i love most. You will support me to still PUBLISH/MARKETING/EDIT  MY BOOKS  A new amazing interactive website, that will allow patients get easily freebies, online books ,mini -workshops… in daily journal.

∘ ✧YOU CAN DONATE THE AMOUNT THAT YOUR HEART FEEL∘ ✧ HELP ME TO STILL HELPING ∽△  All collaborations, donations. I made some life long friends through my web, they are patients but connect with like-minded souls around the world who truly inspire me.It makes me so happy to be apart of their journey and it is such a special gift for me to watch them grow over the years,receive the success they deserve and know that I have been apart of it in some way,healing,cure them… inspire.I hope you all find some inspiration, cure, here to follow your own dreams, to be healthy body,soul ,mind to take some time out for yourself and to live your life with a smile on your face and love in your heart: to open yourself up to this world. ahhh & please if you come to Mallorca or anyplace near let me know..TO MEET  if i do not know you in person I would LOVE give you a HUG!!!

Mensaje de la Voz de GAIA . Respeta la madre naturaleza y la usas para bien. PARA INFORMACIÓN DEL LIBRO:

IN TUNE WITH INNER COMPASS | | j u s t be || “The things that make your heart beat faster and your eyes glow when you do it,or talk about it,no matter if it’s yoga, gardening, painting, sexlove , TRAVEL! meditation, photography, BEACH! OCEAN SOUNDS, heal others -do THAT!!!! do it as often as you can.

IN TUNE WITH NATURE | | j u s t be || “The things that make your heart beat faster and your eyes glow when you do it,or talk about it,no matter if it’s yoga, gardening, painting, sexlove , TRAVEL! meditation, photography, BEACH! OCEAN SOUNDS, heal others -do THAT!!!! do it as often as you can.

Online course PLATAFORM to be able to access the world of crystals whenever and wherever you would like. Take your time, go at your own pace, and have fun learning about the many benefits of crystals.

ANA a certified Naturopath in Natural Medicine & Theraphies 1490 N. Col years experience pharmacy & perfumery too. I have thorough knowledge within anatomy, physiology, pathology, alternative treatmenst, empath psychology, nutrition, phyto- and immune theraphies,as well as various methods of diagnosis. READ

READINGS & CHANNELING PERSONAL AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH Ana offers reading sessions Universal therapeutic tarot in connection with nature. In person ✧✧✧Consult 1 hour, depends the client ✧ ✧✧✧ DISTANCE: more than 3 pages study that is sent to your Email or voice by skype, whatsapp , facebook….

♡ A Reiki session duration is 50 minutes more and less or distance depends on the patient, it is in my office or in distance. The price is 10 eur. We all have the gift to heal, just I am a channeler. Reiki is a natural alignment system (recognized and approved by the OMS World Health Organization)

A morning /afternoon Beach walks..doing Mindfulness, meditation..talking about life, helping you in topic Health: Mind/body/soul I will love that you discover the most ,specials,lovely ,natural best places in Mallorca


Banner marketing Projects that Inspire me ! Who are living their truth, chasing their dreams and leaving a trail of own essence behind them…

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