Nature Universe Love Connection

The Love Nature Universe is a ceremony of sacred hope. The ceremoni is GUIDED WITHING YOUR PERSONAL ESSENCE and SITUATION to find true love in this life is through our indigenous techniques.   The NATURE INDIGENOUS UNIVERSE BLESSINGS to find love is a ceremony of sacred hope. It’s a special offering with infinite power asking the spiritual Gods of love through guides sending sentimental fate into the connection essence of the (Mother Earth) and the Universe to bring true love into your life.

The CEREMONI WITH A CANDLE to find true love or armonize couples must cleanse your past through forgiveness, purify your soul, bad karma of present and other previous lives. The ceremony is a magical with the forces of nature uses, allows to channel and attracts through the energy path which will lead to the outcome you’re looking for.


The magic ceremoni for TRUE LOVE  is recommended to people who did not find or were not lucky to discover it, many haven’t found their ideal partner. Love is sacred and wonderful, energy has the power and the power of love is able to change what we want in the world, there are no boundaries or limits. The guides ,universe connects the pure essence of the heart with the infinite love of the universe, allows to bring to your life the cosmic energy called “pure and unconditional love or soulmate” whose energy is active somewhere in the world.


Helping to improve, unify and strengthen the relationship of couples, against great problems of instability, distress, depression in their loving relationship. We cleanse to attract good vibrations and luck in love, since suffer disillusionments, complicated breaks or we suffer great disappointments and frustrated relations. Through energy; make the spiritual connection with Mother Earth and the universe, you accept the total change to a new world and allow the sun hidden within you to shine.

Rebuild relationships in Marriages

Transmutate  bad vibes at their root.  Expel all the misfortunes, negative sensations of our being, traumas, discussions, obstacles, fears that produce negative thoughts. These destroy feelings of inner love and the essence of couple life. It is time to wake up, allow the spiritual light to enter your heart, open it, leave reason aside and make no mistakes, now is the time to love and be truly loved back.



As a co-creator I strive to heal with a high level of respect for Mother Nature and each individual’s personality. An in-depth study of a person’s energy is done with any service that is requested of me; be that a healing necklace, an oil, perfume, candle  aura clenease. All materials used are natural and not processed. Each healing modality has its own story according to how Mother Nature intended it and an ancestral history that will tap into your essence. Shine on!




  15 EUR  A STUDY : you are going to receive the step by step how to use a candle and prepared with flowers, gems , included the steps to follow for the ceremoni begining with a meditation , a affirmation healing.

25 EUR A CANDLE PERSONALIZED : Is is gonna arrive to you energized, your personal vibration, meditation,mantra, affirmation,own vibration:Steps follow.

Which one do you choose?

If you wish Spiritual Guides messages,clenease,open connection to Love. Week Treatment -50 EUR.