

knowing who you are · there is a right path for everything

Can become the compass that helps you make decisions that are truly in alignment with your desired future and vision. You are looking for support on your path and want to create or follow your goals  in a way that feels true to you, is lead by your core values and in alignment with your Body Sould Mind .

In this Counseling package we will deep dive, shape and align the energy layers of your armony , goals , health , nourishh your own essence . Through the ·4 Weeks Online Counseling session you will unravel, gain clarity and confidence on your own and unique journey.I will see you during our work together and hold the space for you, your growth.


Spiritual and personal grow

  • 4 Weeks Online counseling (Emails— Study Pdf)

  • 3 Private or Whatsapp /Facebook call

  • Sessions Resources Support Your Journey the whole month
    My areas of Speciality are:

  • Spiritual Women— Mens Thera.phy / Health

  • Find your inner compass— Goals

  • In tune with Nature /  
    Natural remedies Healings recipes

  • Heal traumas • reprogramming • pnl therapy




Sometimes, my clients 》 my patients all they need in life is to get out and walk in the mountains, a forest , barefoot in the sea …. Whether it’s a great walk or a short hike, getting back to nature – a beach, the forest, the mountains – can be completely healing for the soul. Let the birdsong, fresh air and light clear away the pollution of the modern world, leaving you connected to our deepest senses.

View All Areas


This Counsellor package supports you in finding your values, awakening your true essence, be in balance Body ,Soul ,Mind . GUIDES MESSAGES so you can stop looking on the outside for direction and turn inwards for wisdom. The journey you will take through our time together will help you express, refine, define yoour healthy habits to your own path life destiny.Become the compass that helps you make decisions that are truly in alignment with your desired future and vision.

Are you ready to…

take on responsibility for you and your life …
lead from the inside out Body Soul Mind …
make space for the whispers of your soul. …
trust fully in your path being Healthy …
emerge yourself and take aligned action Be balance . …
committed to create and grow your goals …
Be armonized in al area of your life for follow YOUR DESTINY

Distance Nature Aura Cleanses

Although we know that Body, Mind, and Spirit our intimately connected. NATURE SPIRITUAL Cleansing, go beyond , is a holistic and intensive practice where we delve into the invisible realm of Mind and Spirit in order to correct imbalances . Channeling with guides who help us open up a healing space in order to explore these profound and sacred invisible realms. Plant connection Medicine to clean your energy FIELD/AURA see through the veil of illusion, heal in order to harmonize the brilliant light within souls and that you keep the correct path of your OWN ESSENCE , FEEL YOUR HEART, THERE IS A POWER IN YOU…
Can become the compass that helps you make decisions that are truly in alignment with your desired future and vision. You are looking for support on your path and want to create or follow your goals in a way that feels true to you, is lead by your core values and in alignment with your Body Sould Mind .


I am willing to open up to new insights and information ,healing about wellness. I am willing to understand new and deeper truths concerning health. I am open to and asking for understanding, wisdom and knowledge in regards to my balance : body •soul•mind .
I am open.
I am ready.
I am willing.
I am asking.
Show me all you have for me.

visualizations, guided reflections, mindfulness, journaling, prayers, poetry, channeling,Aura cleanse ♡ soul…This is what I share with you and more


Spiritual accompaniment – Psychotherapy along the Month treatment


Do you want to give space to vital questions? are you in a moment of change? are you in a time of change?
Do you need to grieve, do you want to feel from the heart and harmonize body mind soul, between what you say, think and do? Do you want to integrate mindfulness in your life, do you want to connect to nature as a guide?

Workship your SOUL


I accompany you to look at yourself, return to your essence, the feeling of your heart and seek ways to connect with your innate wisdom.
Through deep listening to the soul, understanding the soul as what we truly are beyond thoughts, personality and patterns, you will be able to let go of what no longer helps you and nurture what you long for.
Life itself involves change and at times we may feel blocked or lacking meaning. Giving yourself time to look deeply and know you are supported is the key to transform any situation.
I offer you a space to connect with your essence, from where you can embrace and understand all that you are without judging yourself, in order to live with more confidence, clarity and fullness.

What are you afraid of? What stories or memories really bother you? What have you not forgiven yourself for? What have you not forgiven someone else for? Is there anything you feel ashamed about? What do you wish you could change?

How will we do it ?


During the sessions via Whatsapp or facebook, we use the word so you can express where you are, clarify some aspect of the process to the heart, get tools to help you deepen, and above all see you from a broad perspective a moment of sincere introspection and full of loving attention, to heal, see clearly and follow your path of the soul to be flatly yourself.
Online sessions are 45 minutes long or to be arranged according to your needs.
The suggested contribution for each online session is 45Eur
In connection with Nature
In the face-to-face sessions in nature, we deepen through the word and silence, accompanied by a forest bath ,  you receive messages.
Medicine walk in nature to open the senses and expand the consciousness, while listening to the whispers of the wise nature.
Deep listening session, embracing a centennial tree-temple, or the sea or small waterfalls, you will connect with the strength of the five senses and the five elements. At the same time I will read and guide you with snippets from my book.
The sessions in nature are 1.5 hours long or to be arranged according to your needs.
Online sessions are 45 minutes long or to be arranged according to your needs.
 70 euros.

inside your garden…or a place that you choose
We can also conduct the session indoors to access a space of deep relaxation, private music, meditation techniques, relaxation and energy treatments, among other proposals. The fact of being in a space that you feel comfortable – indoors will also allow us to sit comfortably and listen to each other.
100 eur