❇I N S P I R E D ✳
This Deepak Chopra Book that when i come back to my homes i always find in some box egain…..
Ohhh my Universe i feel so blessed & thankful about last travels ,lovely People and places i know. Maybe was suposed to travél in other months? ohhhh nooo because it is the right & place moment to know each special person, to meet …. No matter the kilometres, USA , Asia, Australia, Italy….. It was suposed to happen!!! universe in magical way pushed in sweet,magical , surprise manera like me. We never are prepared to come back Home ( as de said with my new Friend ; other lifes friendship) we have wanderlust.
With our souls full of experiences, bright eyes, ordinary People dont understand : we can ‘ t stop the feeling to keep on moving , to feel each day like a miracle, to recognize souls & connect hearts as if you knew long ago Maybe from other lifes others times….
I feel very lucky , i know the secret life, i know does not matter THE OTHERS( As i called: the no espiritual People sometimes i have to face , opposite spiritual path’ never gonna stop me) . The bigger power life is LOVE !!!! & i am full of love that protect me as the people that pray For me , that love me , that support me . Fuck masonics logias that go after me to disturb, to deviste sucesss ! Dont follow my buddys ,my friends, nor my family, neither my future love . Universo is justice! Universo is moré poweful than yours… I will keep on going lightworker, this path chosse me . Wherever block me , i will remove energy…
Light is the new black
So If you are a person that i opened my heart with inoccense ,puré love , at least recognize this…& you will be gifted with a little of my essence.
#synchrodestiny #oneness #hinduism #consciousness #higherself #highvibrations #integrity #purelove #plantpower #synergy #worldenlightenment #awareness #completion #selfrealization #entanglement #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #divinetiming #divineconnection #mind #bliss #indigo #awakened #spiriruality #blessed #thirdeye #enlightenment #truthseeker #synchronicity #bhfyp